So I think that I might have figured out how to do this... we shall see. So its been a while since I lasted posted anything so lets play catch up... Tyler and I decided to move to Oklahoma. I know I have made fun of that place my whole life. I guess it serves me right. I am going to go to nursing school there. We went up there the other week to look around at houses. We found a VA house that Tyler just loved. Its not the nicest looking house, and needs a lot of work. Tyler knows how to do it all so that will save us a bundle of money. We put a bid on it this week, but they came back and said no and told us another, we said no and told them another. now we are just waiting to see what happens... oh the joy of buying a house! I am way excited though. I think the best part is how much land there is. Here are a few pictures!
This is a picture looking out the dining room to the back yard.
This is the front of the house... Yes I know it needs a face lift!